Grandmothers have been heard from all their lives to say that honey has many benefits, and they were not misguided.

It must be said that honey is a food with a variety of positive effects on the body and for centuries, thanks to its healing properties, it has been used.


Honey has been widely recognized, either for its multivitamin properties, for being an antioxidant and for also having antibacterial properties.


Did you know that within its properties it contributes and helps improve fertility?

Yes, it is indeed used as a treatment for infertility in both men and women (if its consumption is regular).

This fact has been demonstrated thanks to the work of multiple institutions and research organizations, which have discovered that the consumption of honey helps stimulate the ovaries and improve fertility in women (according to the Ask Baby website).

This discovery about fertility thanks to honey is also supported by a study that analyzed forty infertile men who were given honey for a time. As a result, there was evidence of better general health, increased libido and increased production of his sperm.

As for the women, a large group with quite irregular periods were analyzed and after consuming honey regularly they registered a great improvement, including the total stability of their menstruation.


For millennia, honey has been used as a remedy that helps fertility. And now we can confirm it, because this incredible substance is made up of minerals and amino acids, which are favorable for the reproductive system and at the same time can help the activity of women's ovaries.

Honey has always been called the nectar of the gods, due to its aphrodisiac properties and the improvement in "sexual virility". Largely thanks to glucose and fructose, which are the substances that the body uses to obtain its energy.

Alternative medicine also recommends honey and it is widely used, especially as a treatment to improve fertility, both male and female. For men, honey is highly recommended for problems such as impotence and to improve sperm quality.

We also have to name vitamin B, which is provided by honey and is very necessary for the male body to produce testosterone.

As a conclusion we can say that if in very ancient times honey was already used for purposes such as fertility, it is rare that we are wrong.